Krav Maga vs Kickboxing — Which One Is Better?

Krav Maga vs Kickboxing photo

Krav Maga vs Kickboxing is a popular topic within the martial arts community and in this article you will learn everything about the differences between these two, how they compare in different aspects such as self-defense and MMA, which one is harder to learn, and overall, better for you.

What is Krav Maga?

Krav Maga is a self-defense system developed in Israel that focuses on practical techniques for real-world situations. It was originally created by Imi Lichtenfeld, who developed it for the Israeli military.

Krav Maga incorporates elements from various martial arts, such as boxing, wrestling, judo, and karate, but its primary goal is to teach individuals how to defend themselves quickly and effectively against armed and unarmed attackers.

Krav maga training against multiple attackers

The system emphasizes instinctive movements, aggression, and simultaneous defensive and offensive manoeuvres. It’s known as practical and efficient, used not only by military and law enforcement personnel but also by civilians seeking effective self-defense training.

What is Kickboxing?

Kickboxing is a combat sport that originated in Japan and later gained popularity worldwide. It combines elements of traditional boxing with kicks from martial arts such as karate and Muay Thai.

In a typical kickboxing match, participants use punches, kicks, knee strikes, and occasionally elbow strikes to score points or knock out their opponent within a defined set of rules.

kickboxing sparring

Kickboxing can be practised for sport, fitness, or self-defense. It offers an intense cardiovascular workout while also improving agility, balance, and coordination.

Different organizations may have slightly different rulesets. But in general, kicks and punches are allowed above the waist, while knee strikes may or may not be permitted depending on the rules.

Differences Between Krav Maga and Kickboxing

The main difference is the concept. Krav Maga is a self-defense system and a hybrid mix of grappling, striking, weapons, and self defense tactics while kickboxing is a combat sport where athletes use kicks and punches under limited rules.

Here is a more detailed look:


Krav Maga was designed by the Israeli military as the ultimate combat system. The main objective is to train individuals to deal with any type of situation they may face in real life, both against armed and unarmed attackers. 

Kickboxing is a combat sport. Practitioners learn techniques that are in line with the official rules of competition. They are limited to using kicks and punches in a match while the majority of other combat moves are illegal.


Krav Maga includes a wide range of grappling, striking, clinching, weapon based and self-defense techniques and tactics. This includes punches, kicks, knees, elbows, takedowns, joint locks, chokes, as well as dirty moves such as eye-gouging, targeting the groin area or throat. Any move that can potentially save your life is allowed.

Kickboxing is much different. It focuses primarily on using punches (from western boxing) and kicks that primarily originate from karate. There are also variations where fighters use knees and elbows (Muay Thai). But overall, it is far more simple.

Rules — No Rules

Krav Maga is a self-defence system. As such, there are no rules of engagement. The main goal is to inflict as much damage as possible with each strike and escape the fight unharmed. If that means blasting an attacker with a glass bottle, that’s what you should do.

Kickboxing is a sport where athletes compete inside the ring. There is a referee responsible for keeping the match fair and safe. The matches have rounds and small breaks in between and fighters must wear protective gear such as padded gloves, mouthguards, and groin guards. 

Krav maga or Kickboxing — Which One is More Effective?

If your goal is to learn practical self-defense techniques for real-life situations, Krav Maga may be more suitable. However, if you’re interested in improving your striking skills, fitness, and potentially competing in combat sports, kickboxing could be the better choice.

Krav Maga is primarily a self-defense system designed to teach individuals how to defend themselves quickly and efficiently in real-world situations. It emphasizes instinctive movements, aggressive counterattacks, and practical techniques for dealing with armed and unarmed assailants. There are no rules or competition.

Training often includes scenarios such as defending against knife attacks, multiple attackers, and other common street confrontations. Its goal is to enable individuals to neutralize threats and escape safely.

On the other hand, kickboxing is a combat sport that focuses on striking techniques using punches, kicks, knee strikes, and occasionally elbow strikes. While it can be an effective form of self-defense training, its primary purpose is competitive sport and fitness.

Kickboxers train to develop speed, power, timing, and conditioning for matches in the ring or for general fitness, not with the goal of improving self-defense.

Krav Maga or Kickboxing For Self-Defense?

Krav Maga is a better option because it is a self-defense system designed to prepare an individual for the unpredictable and violent nature of real-life combat. Though also effective, kickboxing is a sport that trains people how to compete under the rules.

Krav Maga is like a toolbox of self-defense moves. It’s all about giving you simple, effective tools to defend yourself in real-life situations. 

In Krav Maga classes, you’ll learn how to react quickly to different threats, whether it’s someone grabbing you, swinging at you, or even attacking you with a weapon. The focus is on neutralizing the threat and getting out of danger as fast as possible. 

They’ll teach you strikes like punches and kicks, but also techniques for escaping holds or chokes. The idea is to use whatever works best in a given situation, without worrying about fancy moves or rules.

Kickboxing, on the other hand, is more like a sport. It’s all about learning how to punch, kick, and move effectively, but in a controlled environment.

In kickboxing classes, you’ll spend a lot of time practising your technique and building up your strength and stamina. While kickboxing can definitely teach you how to defend yourself, it’s more focused on the sports aspect — like competing in matches or sparring with other students. 

That said, the strikes and movements you learn in kickboxing can still be useful in a self-defense situation, especially if you can stay calm and focused under pressure.

Which One is Better For MMA

Kickboxing is better for MMA because it fits well within the rules of the sport. It is also more advanced in terms of punches, kicks and footwork, making it essential in the world of cage fighting.

Certain Krav Maga moves work in MMA too. However, don’t forget that this is a self-defense system. Founders designed each tactic and technique for real life where you need to quickly finish the fight or create a chance to run away. There are no rounds, time limits, gear or anything.

The same stands for dirty techniques. Using eye-pokes, groin and throat shots in MMA will result in disqualification. According to MMA rules, you can’t use them in a match which makes your overall arsenal quite limited.

Kickboxing provides a solid foundation in striking that translates well to MMA, as many MMA fights start standing and involve striking exchanges. Training in kickboxing helps develop timing, distance management, and offensive/defensive strategies crucial for MMA competition.

The same stands for training programs that are more in line with MMA which is also a combat sport like Kickboxing. From drilling techniques, sparring, to strength and endurance, the concept is quite similar in both sports so kickboxer can easily adapt.

Although Krav Maga teaches certain moves you can use in MMA, it’s not worth the time. You will get much more by putting the same effort into kickboxing if your goal is to compete in MMA.

Krav Maga vs Kickboxing — Which One Is Harder To Learn?

Krav Maga is harder due to the emphasis on real-world scenarios and the need to react quickly and decisively in high-pressure situations. Practitioners learn how to fight on the feet, clinch and on the ground, against one or multiple attackers, and with or without weapons.

Kickboxing is different because it primarily focuses on kicks, punches, blocks, and movement. The emphasis is on direct techniques that do not require much time or energy to execute, but do a lot of damage upon impact. 

On average, it takes around a year for a kickboxing student with average talent to master the basics. This is much less time than in Krav Maga where it takes between 3 and 5 years of training for a student to become proficient. 

The intensity of training is relatively the same. Kickboxing, although not as complex, is really hard due to its emphasis on gruelling cardio workouts and hard sparring. Matches are also brutal and often result in serious injuries.

Krav Maga is more mentally intense but less physically. There is not as much full-contact sparring but practitioners constantly drill different combat scenarios that play with their instincts and fears. 

Overall, Krav Maga vs Kickboxing debate and which one is harder is based on many individual factors. Some people may find the practicality and real-world applications of Krav Maga more challenging. The others may struggle with the technical precision and physical demands of Kickboxing. 

Kickboxing vs Krav Maga — Which One Is Better For Me?

Krav Maga vs Kickboxing and which one is better for you depends on your personal preferences, goals, and what you’re looking to achieve.

Choose Kickboxing if:

  1. You’re interested in a sport-oriented martial art that emphasizes striking techniques.
  2. You want to improve your physical fitness, endurance, and agility while learning self-defense skills.
  3. You enjoy the challenge of sparring and competing in controlled environments.
  4. You appreciate the technical aspects of striking and footwork.

Choose Krav Maga if:

  1. You’re primarily focused on practical self-defense techniques for real-world situations.
  2. You want to learn how to defend yourself quickly and effectively against various types of attacks.
  3. You prefer a self-defense system that prioritizes simplicity and efficiency over tradition or sport.
  4. You’re interested in building confidence, situational awareness, and mental toughness.

Ultimately, both Kickboxing and Krav Maga offer valuable skills and benefits. So consider trying out introductory classes or speaking with instructors from both disciplines to see which one resonates with you more. Additionally, your decision might also be influenced by factors such as the availability of classes, the expertise of instructors in your area, and your schedule and budget for training.

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