How To Increase Kicking Power (Workouts Included)

MMA practitioner landing a powerful kick on the heavy bag

Kicking techniques play a big role in martial arts and fighting in general so working on increasing kicking power can boost your martial art progress and fighting abilities.

In this article, you will discover the best methods and exercises to increase the power of kicks, and free workout plans that you can do in the gym or at home. 

How to Increase Kicking Power

Increasing kicking power involves a combination of strength training, primarily legs and core, technique refinement, flexibility work, and specific kicking drills. The key is to determine which area you are missing and focus on doing specific workouts we have listed below on methodically improving the kicking power.

The ultimate goal is to find a balance between strength, mobility and technique training in order to get the most out of your effort. If you have weak legs but solid technique, spend more time doing strength training and less doing skill-specific drills. The same stands for other elements involved.

But remember, increasing the power requires time, effort, and consistent practice until you can see the results.

Here are some effective strategies to enhance kicking power.

Improve Leg Muscles 

Naturally, you need stronger leg muscles and core in order to increase kicking power. Thus, you need to focus on improving leg muscle by doing different weight and bodyweight exercises.

Focus on compound exercises such as squats, deadlifts, lunges, and hip thrusts to build lower body strength. Also, include plyometric exercises like box jumps, jump squats, and explosive lunges to improve power output.

Core strength also plays a big role in increasing the power of kicks. Thus, include exercises such as planks, Russian twists, and medicine ball throws to improve stability and rotational power.

Leg and Core workout for increasing kicking power:

ExerciseSets x RepsRest Time Between Sets
Back Squats3 sets x 8 reps2-3 minutes
Deadlifts3 sets x 6 reps2-3 minutes
Walking Lunges3 sets x 10 steps/leg2 minutes
Box Jumps3 sets x 8 reps2 minutes
Planks3 sets x 30-60 seconds1-2 minutes
Medicine Ball Throws3 sets x 10 reps2 minutes

Core and Stability

A strong and stable core enables fighters to efficiently transfer power from the lower body to the upper body during kicks, enhancing overall technique and effectiveness. There are three workouts you should do to improve core to increase the power of kicks:

  • Russian twists — target the obliques and rotational muscles of the core, essential for generating torque and power during kicking movements.
  • Hanging Leg Raises — engage the lower abdominals, hip flexors, and stabilizing muscles of the core.
  • Stability Ball Exercises — such as plank variations, rollouts, and pikes to challenge core stability and strengthen the muscles that support the spine.

Free Core and Stability Workout

ExerciseSets x Reps/DurationTime Break
Russian Twists3 sets x 12-15 reps1 minute
Hanging Leg Raises3 sets x 10-12 reps1-2 minutes
Stability Ball Plank3 sets x 30-60 seconds1-2 minutes
Stability Ball Rollouts3 sets x 8-10 reps1-2 minutes

Explosive Power

In order to throw kicks with more power, you need the ability to generate much force quickly. This is where explosive power comes into play and specific workouts can help you generate more force. 

One of the best workouts is using kettlebell swings. This dynamic exercise targets the posterior chain, including the glutes, hamstrings, and lower back, while also improving hip explosiveness and coordination.

Next are the medicine ball throws. These exercises involve throwing or slamming a weighted ball against a wall or to a partner. These throws engage the entire body and enhance the power from the lower body to the upper body.

Olympic lifts are also effective. This complex exercise requires coordination and power. It primarily targets the muscles of the lower body, upper back and shoulders. These lifts are highly effective for developing full-body explosiveness.

You can also use resistance bands to mimic the resistance while doing kicking motions. Apart from power, this also improves kicking speed.

ExerciseSets x RepsRest Time
Squat Jumps4 x 860 seconds
Box Jumps4 x 690 seconds
Bulgarian Split Squats3 x 10 each leg60 seconds
Plyometric Lunges3 x 12 each leg60 seconds
Deadlifts (with explosive movement)4 x 690 seconds
Kettlebell Swings4 x 1060 seconds

Improve flexibility and mobility

Flexibility and mobility are essential components if you want to increase kicking power. Improving a range of motions enables you to improve your technique and rotate better to generate power. 

 In Muay Thai and other combat sports, maintaining optimal flexibility in key areas like the hips, hamstrings, and groin muscles is crucial for delivering high, powerful kicks and fluid movements. The key to improving these areas lies in flexibility training and dynamic stretching.

Regular stretching helps improve muscle elasticity and range of motion, allowing fighters to achieve greater extension and height in their kicks. Focus on static stretches targeting the hips, hamstrings, groin, and quadriceps muscles to enhance flexibility.

Flexibility workout to increase kicking power

ExerciseSets x Reps/DurationRest Time Between Sets
Forward Leg Swings2 sets x 10 swings/leg30 seconds
Side Leg Swings2 sets x 10 swings/leg30 seconds
Hip Circles2 sets x 10 circles/direction30 seconds
Dynamic Lunges2 sets x 10 lunges/leg1 minute
Standing Quadriceps Stretch2 sets x 30 seconds/leg30 seconds
Butterfly Stretch2 sets x 30 seconds30 seconds
Seated Groin Stretch2 sets x 30 seconds30 seconds

Speed Training for faster kicks

Speed training is essential for improving the velocity and efficiency of kicks. By incorporating specific drills and exercises, fighters can enhance their rapid-fire capabilities and overall speed.

Practice delivering a series of quick, successive kicks on the heavy bag or focus mitts. Focus on maintaining proper technique while increasing the tempo to develop speed and coordination.

Include resistance bands in kicking drills. This adds resistance against the kicking motion, forcing the muscles to work harder and increasing speed and explosiveness.

Workout for improving kicking speed:

ExerciseSets x Reps/DurationRest Time Between Sets
Rapid-Fire Kicks on Heavy Bag3 sets x 30 seconds1-2 minutes
Rapid-Fire Kicks on Focus Mitts3 sets x 30 seconds1-2 minutes
Resistance Band Kicks*3 sets x 10 reps/leg1-2 minutes

Focus on Technique and Form

All the strength and mobility mean nothing if you are not throwing kicks with proper technique. Proper technique ensures that you generate maximum power efficiently while minimizing the risk of injury. Focus on hip rotation, weight transfer, and proper foot positioning to optimize power generation.

Pay close attention to essential elements of the kicking technique. This includes hip rotation, weight transfer, and foot positioning. Proper hip rotation allows you to increase kicking power while maintaining balance and stability.

Practitioner increasing kicking power doing drills
Photo by Кирилл Чеботарь on Flickr

On the other side, efficient weight transfer ensures that the force generated from the lower body is effectively transferred into the kick. Lastly, correct foot placement optimizes balance and stability.

The way to improve technique is quite simple. You need to throw hundreds of kicks doing shadowboxing, pad work or heavy bag work. And yes, it will be painful and exhausting, but that’s the price you need to pay.

Dedicate specific training sessions or intervals within a workout to high-intensity explosive kicks. Perform rapid-fire kicking drills on pads, bags, or with a partner, focusing on speed and power with each repetition.

Workout for Improving Kicking Technique

ExerciseSets x Reps/DurationTime Break
Shadowboxing3 rounds x 3 minutes1 minute
Kicking Technique Drills*3 sets x 10 reps/leg2 minutes
Technique Focus Drills**3 sets x 5 minutes2 minutes

What Is The Most Powerful Kick?

Spinning kicks, including the spinning hook kick and the tornado kick, are often considered among the most powerful kicks due to the rotational force generated by the body’s momentum during the execution of these techniques.

These kicks involve a rapid rotation of the body, which generates significant angular momentum. As the body rotates, this momentum is transferred into the striking limb, increasing the speed and force of the kick upon impact.

Proper execution of spinning kicks requires explosive hip rotation, which engages powerful muscle groups like the glutes, quadriceps, and core. The rotational movement amplifies the power generated by these muscles, enabling the practitioner to deliver a forceful strike.

Also, spinning kicks allow the practitioner to cover a greater distance and generate more momentum before making contact with the target. This extended reach, combined with the rotational force of the kick, contributes to its power and effectiveness.

Which Martial Art Teaches Best Kicks?

Taekwondo is often associated with the best kicking techniques and skills. Taekwondo’s emphasis on speed, agility, and precision makes it one of the best martial arts for developing high-level kicking skills. Even studies have confirmed that TKD practitioners are capable of generating the most force in a kick.

Some of the other martial arts that teach powerful kicking techniques are:

Muay Thai

Muay Thai, also known as the “Art of Eight Limbs,” places significant emphasis on devastating kicks. Muay Thai kicks, such as the roundhouse kick (Thai: Teep), are known for their power and effectiveness in both close-range and long-range combat. Muay Thai practitioners are trained to deliver kicks with maximum force, often targeting vulnerable areas of the body to inflict damage and gain an advantage in a fight.


Kickboxing kicks originate from different arts such as Muay Thai and Karate. Kickboxers are trained to deliver powerful kicks such as the roundhouse kick, front kick, and side kick, often with a focus on speed and precision. The system places more emphasis on technique and speed rather than sheer power.


Karate includes a wide range of kicking techniques designed for both self-defence and competition. The variation of each kick is based on the style as there are dozens of them.

Karate kicks, such as the front kick (Mae Geri), roundhouse kick (Mawashi Geri), and side kick (Yoko Geri), emphasize speed, power, and accuracy. To meet the competition rules, practitioners train to deliver each one fast and from all angles. 

As a result, karate is often considered the most technical alongside Taekwondo when it comes to leg strikes.

Is Muay Thai Good For Self-Defense? (Expert Analysis)